Greetings from Charlotte,
We just finished a very positive phone meeting with our Council of Elders. As always before the Passover, Satan tries to stir up problems here and there—often over picky issues that resurface every so many years. However, the overall state of the Church appears to be stable and growing around the world as members look forward to the Spring Holy Days and stay focused on the Big Picture! Last weekend, more than 280 visitors attended Tomorrow’s World Special Presentations (62 in Charlotte, 85 in Chattanooga and Nashville, Tennessee, and 139 in British Columbia, Canada—see announcements below). This week Mr. Meredith finished a co-worker letter and taped a new Tomorrow’s World television program, titled “Who Is the Antichrist?,” offering the booklet on the same topic. This coming weekend, Mr. Rod McNair will be making a TWSP in Asheville, North Carolina. Your continued prayers for God’s Work and God’s people are always needed and appreciated. Please remember those around the world who are experiencing the traumatic results of weather-related events and political turmoil that has disrupted their lives. May God’s Kingdom come soon!—DSW
Church Administration
Passover 2011 (Repeat Announcement)
Important Notice to All Pastors: This year the Passover Service will be observed on Sunday, April 17, a little less than five weeks from now. Let us know as soon as possible if any of the congregations you serve will need additional Passover Service supplies (bread trays and/or wine trays or glasses) or a copy of the Passover Servicerecording (please note that this year we have a new recording of the Passover Service, given by Dr. Scott Winnail, available both in DVD and CD).
Additionally, let us know of any scattered members who need to receive the
Passover Service recording and
letter instructions to observe it at home. Please direct your requests to Dorothy McNair at the Church Administration Department by e-mail at
dmcnair@lcg.org or by phone at 704-844-1960, ext. 2248, as soon as possible to ensure timely delivery. Please note that a copy of the new Passover Service DVD and CD are being sent automatically to all Area Pastors.
Charlotte Follow-up Tomorrow’s World Special Presentation
On Sunday,Mr. Ames gave a follow-up Tomorrow’s World Special Presentation here inCharlotte. There were 157 people present, 62 of them visitors, and 43 of the visitors were returning from the initial presentation by Dr. Meredith. Also, five new people attended services this past Sabbath, after having attended the initial presentation. So the Charlotte TWSPs are already bearing good fruit.—Bob League
Chattanooga and Nashville Tomorrow’s World Special Presentations
On March 12 and 13, friendly applause in Chattanooga and Nashville, Tennessee, welcomed Dr. Douglas Winnail and the Tomorrow’s World Special Presentation, “What’s Ahead for America?” Combined appearances in both cities drew 85 visitors and 91 members. All listened attentively and many nodded their heads in agreement regarding our national heritage and America’s impending future. One major distinction we noted from past TWSPs is that attendees are more serious and have a much greater sense of urgency! Several insisted they would be back for the follow-up presentations and also asked for information about attending Sabbath services. Dr. Winnail’s visit and the TWSPs have been especially encouraging and beneficial for our local brethren—to be able to contribute to God’s Work in this very special way!—James Sweat
Business Manager Needed for Work at Canadian Regional Office
The Canadian office of Living Church of God is looking for someone to fill the office of Business Manager in Mississauga, Ontario. Experience is needed in bookkeeping, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and knowledge of Quickbooks or similar bookkeeping program. If an applicant has Canadian citizenship, is married to someone from Canada, or is an ordained elder, this will expedite moving to Canada. We have a need to fill this position by June of this year as our current manager is retiring due to health considerations. If interested, send resumes to
Last Monday, we received the following healing account from a member in El Salvador, Mrs. Emma Pineda: “I was diagnosed with the beginning stages of uterine cancer with a severe third-stage lesion. Subsequently, a biopsy was done to confirm the diagnosis and, sadly, the result of the biopsy was positive for cancer. Immediately, the doctors told me that they had to perform surgery to completely remove my uterus to prevent the cancer lesion from growing. My answer was NO, that I was not willing to have an operation and that I was going to wait on God’s will. The doctors, when they saw I was determined, made me sign a letter releasing them from any responsibility. Later, I underwent a painful treatment and I requested anointing from Mr. George Schaubeck when he came to visit El Salvador. I left the problem in God’s hands.
“Today, I received the medical results and it was incredible! I was completely healed. The lesion disappeared completely. The doctors were surprised and said they couldn’t believe it—that only God performs these miracles. I’m very happy. It’s incredible how God answers our prayers when they are from the heart and in humility, as it pleases Him. God has delivered me from death several times. In 2007, He delivered me from a terrible severe depression. In December 2009, He gave me strength to endure the death of my husband who died in a terrible automobile accident. In late 2010, He delivered me from death again, when a car was about to hit me. And now, He healed me from cancer…. those who are suffering from health trials, that their faith be not weakened and have the hope that God loves us, if we are doing His will on earth, regardless of our trials, and persevering until His return.”
Dallas Update
The local Dallas congregation continues to grow! Eight new brethren were baptized last Sabbath after services, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doc and Wanda Crisman. Three of the eight new brethren started attending as a result of the TWSPs. Approximately, 100 brethren gathered around the patio to witness this most inspiring occasion and welcome the new brethren into God’s Church. The new members include Mr. and Mrs. Mobley, Mr. Raymond Garcia, Mrs. Svay Tevy, Mr. Trevor Rand, Mr. Sergio Jones, Mr. Jacob Kruger, and Mrs. LaDonna Thomas. We hope to baptize two additional new members in East Texas prior to the upcoming Passover.—Dan Hall
Spanish Update
Mr. and Mrs. George Schaubeck from Costa Rica traveled to Panama on February 18 to visit Silvia Alverola, one of the first members of God’s Church in Latin America. She lives in Ocu, in the Herrera Province in Panama and recently joined the Living Church of God. Silvia has not been able to attend the Feast in 15 years because of a disease in her legs and because she takes care of her 101-year old mother.
Mr. Schaubeck wrote, “It was encouraging to see Silvia’s joy and her dedication to Bible Study and practicing God’s word, despite not having a congregation or Church member nearby, and suffering constant opposition from her family. We celebrated Sabbath services at a hotel and conversed for many hours with Silvia, giving her the hope that this year she could again keep the Feast of Tabernacles, trusting that God can heal her. We returned to Costa Rica on Sunday, February 20, with the great satisfaction of having visited our beloved sister of many years…” Mr. Schaubeck also reported that he is studying possibilities of advertising our Spanish Tomorrow’s World magazine in Panama.
South Carolina Holy Day Weekend
The fourth annual Upstate South Carolina Spring Holy Day Weekend is scheduled for Friday, April 22 to Monday, April 25. Planned events include: a captain’s choice golf tournament on Friday; a Friday evening Bible Study and welcome dinner; Sabbath services on Saturday afternoon; the Magnolia Blossom Banquet and Ball on Saturday night; a 5K road race, softball game(s), and picnic on Sunday; and two services on Monday, the Last Day of Unleavened Bread.
Services and the Banquet and Ball will be held at the Greenville Hyatt Regency, the premier convention hotel in downtown Greenville, South Carolina. The Hyatt is offering weekend participants a discounted room rate of $72 (plus taxes) per night. Details about the event are posted online at
www.lcganderson.org (not an official Church website). For further information, contact Manuel Burdette at 864-638-7719 or, by e-mail, at
manuelburdette@charter.net. The registration deadline is March 31. The Hyatt’s guaranteed room rate cutoff date is April 1. Please register now for the best Spring Weekend ever!
The Most Important Quality: Most of God’s people understand the importance of keeping the commandments, the Sabbath, the Holy Days and the dietary laws. They also understand the importance of government, tithing, faith and watching for the fulfillment of prophecy. Yet sometimes, in our zeal to obey the laws of God, we can overlook something else that is even more important—and that is the need to develop and exercise Godly Love. We are told in the Scriptures that without Godly Love, all these other things will amount to nothing (1 Corinthians 13:1-3). Here, the biblical word for love (agape) refers to an unselfish outgoing concern for others. In 1 Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul states that Godly Love does not seek its own way; it is calm and not easily provoked, nor does it jump to conclusions or assign motives or sit in judgment of others. Instead, Godly Love is gracious and forgiving. It is positive and focuses on what is right and true. It never fails or falters. Godly Love is the most important fruit of God’s Spirit that we must nourish and cultivate if we hope to become like our Father and our Elder Brother Jesus Christ. God is love (1 John 4:8, 16). And we have been created to become like Him (1 John 3:1-3). Let’s make that our goal. Let’s ask God to help us learn to love Him and learn to love others as He does, so we can develop this most important quality—of Godly Love.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail
News and Prophecy—March 17, 2011
Super Quake Hits Japan. Last week, a 9.0 earthquake struck Japan, the strongest quake recorded to hit Japan. The quake destroyed structures on Japan’s north-east coast and damaged a nuclear power plant that is now releasing radiation. The quake generated a 30 foot-high tsunami that devastated coastal villages. As the tsunami sped west, it also impacted islands in the Pacific and coastal areas along the west coast of North, Central, and South America (
USA Today, March 14, 2011, 1A). Strong aftershocks have been felt since the quake, shaking buildings in Tokyo (
Associated Press, March 16, 2011). More than 10,000 are presumed dead and more than half-a-million people have been displaced and are living in shelters (
LA Times, March 14, 2011). When Jesus was asked by His disciples what “signs” would indicate that the end of the age was near, He identified “earthquakes in various places” and that we would witness “the sea and the waves roaring…” (Luke 21: 11, 25). We need to remember that Jesus also told His listeners, “do not be terrified; for these things must come to pass first, but the end will not come immediately” (Luke 21:9). The Scriptures not only point out key events to watch for that will precede Christ’s return, but point to the hope beyond—the coming Kingdom of God. The devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan fit well into prophesied end-time events. For more information on this important topic, review our free booklet
Fourteen Signs Announcing Christ’s Return.
Christian Values Under Attack. In what some are calling a “landmark decision,” two UK High Court judges recently ruled that a couple could not serve as foster parents because they believe homosexuality is a sin. The case was brought by a social worker who was worried when the couple would not condone homosexuality. Mrs. Johns, one of the potential foster parents, commented for herself and her husband: “We are prepared to love and accept any child. All we were not willing to do was to tell a small child that the practice of homosexuality was a good thing.” In a summary statement, the Christian Legal Centre commented that the court ruling “sends out the clear message that orthodox Christian ethical beliefs are potentially harmful to children and that Christian parents with mainstream Christian views are not suitable to be considered as potential foster parents” (BBC, February 28, 2011; Telegraph, February 28, 2011). This court ruling could become a major turning point for society in the UK. If people with “traditional” Christian beliefs—which has been the case for centuries in the UK—are not fit to be foster parents, what will come next? The court ruling essentially said that a homosexual couple could safely raise a child, while a traditional Christian couple could not do so because they might cause psychological harm to the child. Long ago, the prophet Isaiah warned, “The leaders of this people cause them to err” and “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil” (Isaiah 9:16; 5:20). The prophet Hosea also warned, “Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children” (Hosea 4:6). Tragically, we see this happening today! —James and Sue Bennett, Scott Winnail
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