Greetings from Charlotte,
This has been a short workweek with an American holiday on Monday. However, we had a profitable Church Board meeting this morning and a Living University Board meeting this afternoon. Last Friday, we transferred international festival assistance funds to Africa and South America, which will help our brethren there have an enjoyable Feast of Tabernacles.
We are also watching Hurricane Hanna heading up the east coast toward Sunset Beach, North Carolina, where our United States’ east coast Feast site is located. Please pray that God will spare this site, and keep our many brethren in your prayers as well, who are dealing with adverse weather conditions in various parts of the world. We are very thankful that God protected His people in Jamaica and in Haiti from hurricanes Faye and Gustav.
Church Administration
Hurricane Gustav
Mr. Rod Reynolds, Louisiana and Mississippi Area Pastor, reports: As far as I know, there were no injuries or serious incidents related to Hurricane Gustav involving the brethren. Most of those in the New Orleans area got out before the storm hit [….] Many utility poles and power lines are down across much of Louisiana, and some homes and buildings have been damaged or destroyed by winds or falling trees. We have no power or phone service (either cell or land line) at home, and it may be a while before service is restored. From news reports, a quarter of a million customers or more are without power across the state, and many communities, including the one I live in, have no power. Most businesses are closed where power has not been restored. I am currently in Alexandria using a public access wireless connection. I plan to check my e-mail daily this way until power and communications are restored at home. We are deeply thankful to God for His protection during the storm, and look forward to things getting back to “normal” soon.
Attendance Takers—Reporting August’s Attendance
Attention online attendance reporters: Please input your reports for the month of August as soon as possible. Your timely reporting enables us to generate accurate attendance reports for Mr. Meredith on a timely basis. Thank you again for your dedicated service!—Church Administration Department
Missouri Bluegrass Weekend
The LCG Bluegrass Weekend in the Columbia, Missouri, area was a wonderful success! The weather was spectacular, the services were spiritually profitable and the music was a real treat. The owner of the campgrounds was so impressed with the character and friendliness of our big group that she gave us several unexpected price breaks to entice us to come back next year and told me to “send the extra money to your Church,” which we did! Thanks to everyone who helped make the event go so well, and to those who traveled many, many hours to be a part of this special weekend.
Everyone enjoyed the event so much that next year, by popular request, we plan to expand it dramatically to include other forms of music, such as country and western, folk music, and other styles. If you are a Church musician of almost any sort, whether a basic beginner or a paid professional, we plan to have something for you! So mark next Labor Day on your calendars right now for the 2009 LCG Music Fest Weekend, and we will publish more information in the months ahead.—Wallace Smith
Feast of Tabernacles 2008
The Feast Is Around the Corner!
As of this writing, the Feast of Tabernacles is only 39 days away! Meanwhile, Festival Site Coordinators around the world are busy making preparations for this highlight of the year. For updates on information about your Feast site, be sure to check the MyLCG (www.cogl.org) website, as new updates are being uploaded as they become available.
Festival (Second Tithe) Assistance
Second tithe assistance checks were mailed in the United States last Friday, August 29. Those who applied and were approved for assistance to attend this year’s Feast of Tabernacles should be receiving their checks in the mail in a few days.
Attention Area Pastors: Please ensure that the following announcement is made at your congregations before the Feast: “Brethren are encouraged to bring a hymnal (one or two songbooks per household) from their local congregation’s supply for use at the Feast, but they should bring back to their congregations the same hymnals, after the Feast, so that an equal number of books is returned to each congregation.”
Area Pastors should also designate someone from each of their congregations to bring along extra hymnals for use at the Feast.
Sunset Beach, North Carolina
First Day Luncheon (Deadline for Payment—September 26)
If you plan to attend the First Day luncheon at Sunset Beach, we must have your payment by September 26 to reserve your seat. The cost is $15 per adult, $8 per child (4-11), free for children three and under. The luncheon will consist of barbecue chicken, smoked beef brisket, baked beans (no pork), corn on the cob, dinner rolls and butter, potato salad, cole slaw, fruit cobbler, iced tea or coffee. Make checks payable to “Charlotte Local Activity Fund,” with a note on the memo line “For Sunset Beach First Holy Day luncheon.” Send payment to: Living Church of God, Attention: Don Davis, 2301 Crown Centre Dr., Charlotte, NC 28227. We will send you your ticket(s) upon receipt of your check.
Singles Sunset and Dolphin Cruise (Deadline for Payment—September 26)
Singles! If you plan to go on the Singles Cruise, we must have your payment by September 26 to reserve your spot on the boat. The cruise will be on Sunday, October 19, and has been expanded to include dolphin viewing. Passengers will board at 4:00 p.m. and return to the dock around 8:30 p.m. The cost is $25 per person. Space is limited—so don’t delay! Cost includes substantial hors d’oeuvres (deli sandwiches, fruit, vegetables and dip, cheese and crackers, chips and dip, popcorn, cookies, brownies and candy). Soda, lemonade, bottled water, beer, wine, and mixed drinks will be available for purchase. Make checks payable to “Charlotte Local Activity Fund,” with a note on the memo line “For Sunset Beach Singles Cruise.” Send payment to: Living Church of God, Attention: Don Davis, 2301 Crown Centre Dr., Charlotte, NC 28227. We will send you your ticket(s) upon receipt of your check.
What Does God Require? What is God looking for in those He calls? What has God always looked for? God told Abraham: “walk before Me and be blameless” (Genesis 17:1)—and Abraham was blessed for keeping God’s commandments (Genesis 26:5). God told the Israelites that He wanted them to fear Him, love Him, walk in all His ways and keep His commandments (Deuteronomy 10:12-13). Solomon wrote that God looks for kindness in people (Proverbs 19:22), and Isaiah states that God looks for a humble and repentant spirit in people who “tremble at My word” (Isaiah 66:2). Micah reveals that God requires us to “do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly” before Him (Micah 6:8). Jesus continued this same theme urging His disciples to “be perfect [to become spiritually mature and blameless], just as your Father in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). Jesus also taught His disciples, “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). The commandments of God show us how to love God and how to love our neighbors (Matthew 22:37-40). The book of Revelation reveals that at the end of the age, God’s people will still “keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 12:17)—because this is what God requires and this is the way to a better life (Deuteronomy 28:1-2).
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail
News and Prophecy—September 4, 2008
Strong Words from Russia. European leaders met Monday to decide on their future relationship with Russia. The meeting adjourned with member states suspending future meetings with Russia until it pulls out of Georgia. In reaction to the meeting, Russia issued a number of deep-meaning comments. “The EU is not in a position to throw Russia out of anywhere,” Russia’s ambassador to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov, told Reuters, describing any attempt to isolate Russia as “short-sighted and unrealistic” (EU Observer, September 1, 2008). “Russia does not want confrontation with any country. Russia does not plan to isolate itself,” Russian President Medvedev stated on Sunday. He also added: “Everyone should understand that if someone launches an aggressive sortie, he will receive a response” (Reuters, August 31, 2008). Currently, the EU is hastily reexamining its energy policies, as Russia has intimated cutting off oil and gas to Europe if the EU imposes sanctions. Europe currently depends on Russia for 25% of its energy, and this is forecast to increase to nearly 75% by 2020 (Daily Telegraph, September 1, 2008). Both Russia and Europe continue to point fingers. Each says it is “up to” the other to avoid another cold war (Associated Press, September 1, 2008). Bible prophecy indicates that a Beast power will rise in Europe, yet Europe has had great difficulty uniting, as do iron and clay (Daniel 2:33-35). Will God use pressure from Russia to aid in the creation of a stronger, more unified Europe?
World War III Just Ahead? The Dutch intelligence service just called off an operation aimed at sabotaging Iran’s weapons industry, due to an impending U.S. attack on “the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program, according to a report in the country’s De Telegraaf newspaper on Friday…” The impending air-strike on Iran was to be carried out by unmanned aircraft “within weeks.” Jerusalem is also planning for an independent air strike (Jerusalem Post, September 1, 2008). “Should Israel or the United States attack Iran, it would be the start of another World War,” an Iranian general warned on Saturday. Jordan’s King Abdullah warned, “any military action against Tehran will have serious consequences on all of the Middle East, and the states in the region will be forced to deal with the situation” (Jerusalem Post, August 31, 2008). Iran’s allies, Syria and the Lebanese Hezbollah have apparently stockpiled thousands of rockets for retaliation purposes (DEBKA, August 31, 2008). God prophesied through Isaiah that Damascus would “cease from being a city” and would become “a ruinous heap” (Isaiah 17:1)—powerful words for a city which many consider to be one of the oldest “continuously inhabited” cities on earth. As we see powerful Middle Eastern events continue, it will be interesting, yet sobering, to see how God uses nations to fulfill His end-time prophecies.
“Water, Water Everywhere…” A quarter of a million homes have been destroyed and two million people displaced as more than 1,000 villages in India succumb to flood waters after a river in the north east of the country burst its banks. The government is trying to rescue one million of these people. “Those displaced by the flooding are not expected to be able to return to their homes for another two or three months when the embankment is repaired and the river moves back to its normal course. Until then, these people will need to stay in relief camps,” the statement added (CNN.com, August 26, 2008). Japanese have fled parts of Tokyo as hundreds of homes are under water after torrential rains flooded residential areas (ChinaDaily.com, August 29, 2008). Meanwhile, tropical storms and hurricanes continue to embattle the Caribbean and the U.S. Gulf coast, and the central U.S. is drenched with slow-moving rain-making weather systems. Flooding is occurring all over the world, but in diverse places. God warned that, at the end of the age, He would cause it to rain on one city and not another (Amos 4:7), and that He would blast the world (and particularly the nations of Israel) with mildew and blight (v. 9). As we see more and more signs of the end of the age—disease, famines, pestilence, earthquakes, wars and rumors of wars—we need to be prepared to “look up and lift up” our heads, because OUR redemption is near (Luke 21:7-11, 28).—Evo Walker and Scott Winnail
COGwriter 2008